Previous: ACT FIFTH.
- The Emperor Julian.
- Nevita, a general.
- Potamon, a goldsmith.
- Caesarius of Nazianzus, court physician.
- Themistius, an orator.
- Mamertinus, an orator.
- Ursulus, treasurer.
- Eunapius, a barber.
- Barbara, a procuress.
- Hekebolius, a theologian.
- Courtiers and Officers of State.
- Citizens of Constantinople.
- People taking part in the procession of Dionysus, flute-players, dancers, jugglers, and women.
- Envoys from Eastern Kings.
- The Chamberlain Eutherius.Servants of the palace.
- Judges, orators, teachers, and citizens of Antioch.
- Medon, a corn-dealer.
- Malchus, a tax-gatherer.
- Gregory of Nazianzus, Caesarius’s brother.
- Phocion, a dyer.
- Publia, a woman of Antioch.
- Hilarion, son of Publia.
- Agathon Of Cappadocia.
- Maris, Bishop of Chalcedon.
- People taking part in the procession of Apollo, priests, servants of the temple, harp-players and watchmen of the city.
- Agathon’s younger brother.
- A procession of Christian prisoners.
- Heraclius, a poet.
- Oribases, court physician.
- Libanius, an orator, and chief magistrate of Antioch.
- Apollinaris, a hymn-writer.
- Cyrillus, a teacher.
- An old priest of Cybele.
- Psalm-singers of Antioch.
- Fromentinus, a captain.
- Jovian, a general.
- Maximus the Mystic.
- Numa, a soothsayer.
- Two other Etruscan soothsayers.
- Prince Hormisdas, a Persian exile.
- Anatolus, captain of the lifeguard.
- Priscus, a philosopher.
- Kytron, a philosopher.
- Ammian, a captain.
- Basil of Caesarea.
- Makrina, his sister.
- A Persian deserter.
- Roman and Greek soldiers.
- Persian warriors.
The first act passes in Constantinople, the second and third in Antioch, the fourth in and about the eastern territories of the empire, and the fifth on the plains beyond the Tigris. The events take place in the interval between December, A.D. 361, and the end of June, A.D. 363.
Previous: ACT FIFTH.