The Burial Mound by Henrik Ibsen
Author: Henrik Ibsen | Published: 1850
The Burial Mound
"The Warrior's Barrow" is an epic one-act dramatic poem that brings to life the heroic age of Norse conquest. When Gandalf, a young pagan chieftain embodying the strength of Viking tradition, lands on an island off the coast of Sicily, he is confronted by young, innocent Blanka, representing the influence of Christianity.
About Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen is considered one of the most influential playwrights in modern theater. His works are credited with helping to lay the foundations for realism, which he often explored through complex psychological situations and controversial social issues. He was born on March 20th, 1828 in Skien, Norway and began writing plays at a young age.
Ibsen's work drew attention to important topics such as gender equality, marriage, freedom of speech and religion. His characters were often strong-willed individuals that defied expectations placed upon them by society’s norms during his time period. Some of his most renowned works include A Doll’s House (1879) and Hedda Gabler (1890). They examine themes such as societal obligations versus individual freedoms within their respective stories. Find out more about Henrik Ibsen.
Henrik Ibsen's Books on PageVio
Plays: Catiline | The Burial Mound | Lady Inger of Ostrat | The Feast at Solhaug | Olaf Liljekrans | The Vikings at Helgeland | Love's Comedy | The Pretenders | Brand | Peer Gynt | Emperor and Galilean | The Pillars of Society | A Doll's House | Ghosts | An Enemy of the People | The Wild Duck | Rosmersholm | The Lady from the Sea | Hedda Gabler | The Master Builder | Little Eyolf | John Gabriel Borkman | When We Dead Awaken
Here's a full list of Henrik Ibsen's books.