Miscellanies by Oscar Wilde
Author: Oscar Wilde | Published: -
Miscellanies Synopsis
Excerpt from Miscellanies Online Book
That ‘Art is long and life is short’ is a truth which every one feels, or ought to feel; yet surely those who were in London last May, and had in one week the opportunities of hearing Rubenstein play the Sonata Impassionata, of seeing Wagner conduct the Spinning-Wheel Chorus from the Flying Dutchman, and of studying art at the Grosvenor Gallery, have very little to complain of as regards human existence and art-pleasures.
Descriptions of music are generally, perhaps, more or less failures, for music is a matter of individual feeling, and the beauties and lessons that one draws from hearing lovely sounds are mainly personal, and depend to a large extent on one’s own state of mind and culture. So leaving Rubenstein and Wagner to be celebrated by Franz Hüffer, or Mr. Haweis, or any other of our picturesque writers on music, I will describe some of the pictures now being shown in the Grosvenor Gallery.
About Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde is one of the most renowned figures in literary history. Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1854, Wilde was a poet, playwright and novelist who wrote some of the most iconic works of literature ever produced. His plays and stories are known for their wit, humor and clever wordplay that remain just as captivating today as when they were originally written.
In addition to his literary works, Wilde is also remembered for his flamboyant style and eccentric personality that often landed him in hot water with the public during his tumultuous life. Although he spent two years imprisoned due to “gross indecency” with another man, he never lost sight of his passion for writing and artistry throughout adversity. After completing a period of exile abroad following his release from prison, Wilde returned to England where he passed away from cerebral meningitis at age 46 in 1900. Find out more about Oscar Wilde at sevenov.com.